Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Babies Are Growing Up!

Today my oldest child turns 17.  
At what age does he need to be before I stop referring to him as a child?
He is finishing his junior year of high school, is working toward his Eagle in scouts, 
and is a pretty cool, funny guy overall. 
He is handsome too I think. 

My beautiful youngest child turned 15 a few weeks ago.  She is growing up so fast also.  
She is finishing her freshman year, loves church and her friends and is a joy to be around.

What I want to know is how I can have a 17 and 15 year old when I am so young! 

Pretty neat trick for a for a 39 year old.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast our kids are growing up.
    I say if God can call us His children, then they are never too old to be referred to as a child or even a baby for that matter.
