Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dad's Garden, Post 8

Dad's garden is in full swing.
He is beginning to take veggies to church in large quantities.
My father's garden efforts actually increase the attendance on 
Sunday and Wednesday nights during growing season..
Folks know that he will be showing up with veggies free for the taking.
Mom is just glad to not having to deal with all of the produce he is producing.

Here are some of the white onions that he has pulled.
Mild and sweet.  Yum.

The blueberries are starting to slow down a bit.
It has been a great blueberry year.  
I came home with a jar of Dad's blueberry syrup!

Squash coming in by the basket full.

These tomatoes are not beautiful but they will be very tasty. 
A rogue thunderstorm with hail dinged the tender tomatoes just before 
they were ready to start turning red.  
Subsequent tomatoes will be gorgeous!

I love how the onions drying on the garden fence look.  
Very neat and orderly.

The red ones are especially pretty.

The broccoli is done for the year.
It was delicious while it lasted.

The red limas are busy producing their pretty red lima beans.

The tomato plants are loaded down.

I mean - look at this plant! 

The okra plants have grown 2 feet since I last snapped a pic of them.  
They are putting on little okra now and Dad will be harvesting those 
lovely pale green pods very soon.

The green limas are getting well established now. 
They will be peaking about the time the red limas are finishing up.

Dad is letting the Grandma Parham green beans mature on the vine now.
He will harvest them when the pods dry up. 
They make great dry beans.

The muscadines are getting fatter and will be sweetening up soon.

The blueberries are still producing but they will be done soon.  

That's what's happening in the garden this week.

*shot with my iPhone - sorry for the grainy pics.

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