Friday, July 15, 2011

Miss Jae and Grammy

My mother got the privilege of babysitting with her 
youngest two granddaughters today.

My SIL took her older daughter to see the new Harry Potter movie 
today and didn't think it was appropriate for a 3 year old and a toddler.
They had some good cuddling time while waiting for Jae 
to settle down and quit fighting sleep.

Just look at those rolls!  Love the rolly-polly look of babies this age.

I wish that chubby thighs was a good look on 40-somethings. 
Oh well.

*grainy pics from my iPhone.  Not sure what I am doing wrong with it.  If all else fails I guess I should read the manual.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Eat the legs! Look at them! How can you stand it!!! So stinkin' cute!
