Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Chicken in Every Pot

Although "a chicken in every pot" was part of a slogan for Herbert Hoover's presidential campaign in 1928 it is also the situation I have here at home today.

I don't have any thing in particular for dinner planned so I put a chicken on to boil and am hoping that some inspiration comes my way.  

The first thing that comes to mind is chicken and dumplings.  However since it is August 
and HOT I just can't get excited about that today.  

Chicken pot pie - just a fancy version of chicken and dumplings in my book.  

Creamy chicken and pasta?
Chicken enchiladas?
White chicken chili?
Chicken salad with sliced tomatoes?

Whatever form dinner takes this evening, if it tastes as good as my home smells right now it will be delicious!