Thursday, February 9, 2012

Uganda - Reentry

We have been home for a full week now.  It has been a busy week of getting gear unpacked and cleaned, restoring routines, and preparing to share our experiences with our church family.  I have made my family's favorite dinner and have had lots of hugs and kisses.  Getting my Uganda blog posts edited and published this week has been an enjoyable distraction.  It was fun to relive my memories and spend time looking at my pictures.  But I gotta tell you, I miss being in Uganda, my team, and the Africans.  After 12 days of experiencing such an amazing time and feeling like I was fulfilling God's desire for me, coming home is a little confusing.  Please don't mistake my words here, love and enjoy my family and friends.  But after such a mountain top experience I feel a little like I am left dangling in space.  There is still work to be done - mission trip wrap-up tasks and the usual routine that is my life - but I feel just a little like I am wandering.

I wonder how long this feeling will last.

(photo by Heidi Meadows)


  1. They say Africa gets into your head and heart in a way that defies explanation. Perhaps that's what you're feeling. Have you read "Out of Africa"? Isak Dinesin considered Africa her home long after returning to Denmark.

  2. I have just seen part of a little bitty country in Africa, but it was beautiful. The people were beautiful. The River Nile was beautiful. But I think the thing that is lingering with me was the mission that our team was fulfilling. It was awesome (and I hesitate to use that over used word). I can't wait to go back.
