Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dad's Garden

For as long as I can remember my dad has been a gardener.  At our old house he managed to turn a rocky, sloped backyard into a very furtile garden plot.  He would come home from work and take out the stress of the day on the weeds in the garden with a hoe.  He managed to feed his family and have enough to share with neighbors every summer. 

About 19 years ago my parents moved to a new home.  To my dad one of the best parts was having a large, flat space to garden.  He continues to have a wonderful garden every summer. 

It isn't much to look at now, but I plan to take a picture of it every few weeks to keep you up to date with what he is accomplishing and to tell you more about my dad and his hobby. 

My dad is a pretty amazing guy. 


  1. Please tell your dad that I think he has a pretty amazing daughter.

  2. I would if I knew who you were.
